Swap or Recreate/enhance objects, people, Specific things

So if i have an old video of me and a person whom is no longer around, and or a one time rare image or clip, Can you add a feature where you can add a higher rez image(s) or Detailed close up of someone/thing/ect so that it can be analyzed, mapped, and then Enhanced and Improved/Swap/replace the version in the video? for example: my first wife(RIP) and y current wife made some… Videos… And my Wife wants to use the professional pics, clips, and Stuff to Remake and remaster our old Group videos so that we can relive and Recreate as much as possible???

And or if we wanted to Swap out ourselves, parts, or features from a video that we could, For example, We have a video from 2012, and we didnt have tattoos, peicings, or Hairstyles, ect that we now do.. Allow us to Superimpose them into the video, or, For example we Want to Trade places with people in a film that we wouldnt ACTUALLY feel safe or comfortable doin ourselves so that we can imagine or pretend?

So hypotheticall speaking i could take the two images provided and swap/switch, or enhace/add too the video?

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In Review


Feature Request


About 1 month ago


Tim LØwKii Schneider

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